Friday, September 25, 2009

The Plan Days 10 & 11: ID to NM

Continuing to double down the plan here so I can get through it.

Monday, October 19th

9:00 am- Leave hotel.

11:50 am- Arrive at Salt Lake City Cemetery. Somewhere in here is a grave marked "666 killed by the beast" or something to that effect. This is mostly an excuse to see E.

12:10 pm- Leave SLC.

5:50 pm- Arrive at Las Vegas, NV. Pretty much every casino has good haunting stories so I will dutifully try each one until I see a ghost or win a million dollars. I will also be sleeping at one of these hotel/casinos.

Tuesday, October 20th

8:00 am- Leave hotel

9:30 am- Arrive at kelso train depot in Kelso, CA. This train depot is long since abandoned but there are reports of a ghost or two being sited at the luncheon counters and such.

10:15 am- Leave CA.

12:30 pm- Stop for lunch

3:20 pm- Arrive at cemetery in Williams, AZ. Weird things show up in photos here so I am going to take some snaps.

3:40 pm- Leave AZ.

8:40 pm- Arrive at Maria Teresa Restaurant in Albuequerque, NM. Another haunted Mexican eatery. This isn't listed in Shadowlands...where did I find it?

9:25 pm- Leave restaurant.

9:30 pm- Arrive at hotel.

Thus begins my great trek back across the country. I hope I get to do this.


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