Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day Zero

So, since I have internet access tonight, I am going to try and catch up on at least the first two days. Day Zero was mostly me packing, lunch with the folks, trying to rest, looking up addresses and driving to Asheville. The only item of interest was my attending of the Andrew Bird concert at the Orange Peel. He started it out by telling us he was sick and then things kind of went downhill from there. I wrote down the setlist at the show but I can't find it. Here is what he played via my memory. He started with Masterswarm (my least favorite song off the new album) and also played Oh No, Effigy, Fitz & Dizzy Spells and half of Not a Robot But A Ghost (my favorite song on the new album but NOT WHEN YOU DON"T FINISH IT!!!). From Armchair he played Fiery Crash, Imitosis (which he screwed up so badly he had to start over), Scythian Empires and Cataracts. From The Mysterious Production of Eggs he played Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left, Opposite Day, Fake Palindromes and a really exquisite version of Tables and Chairs (the song I was most hoping to hear). Also, he tossed in Why from his Bowl of Fire days. Overall, a pretty short show and not that good. Plus, lots of selections that he played the last time he was in Asheville. I was disappointed but came back to the hotel to sleep and prepare for day one.

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